Nammur Express

Reviving Nammur Express: A ForthFocus Case Study

Discover how ForthFocus solutions breathed new life into Nammur Express, a struggling media organization, elevating its readership to 1,500,000. With a history of technical flaws causing reader dissatisfaction and organizational setbacks, learn how ForthFocus transformed its fortunes.

Client Background:
Nammur Express, a prominent media organization in Karnataka, has earned recognition for its creative and high-quality journalism. Over nine years, it has established a network spanning 31 districts, engaging approximately 500,000 readers daily with objective reporting and compelling content.

Challenges Faced:
Nammur Express confronted several challenges, including:

  1. Website Crashes: The previous website crashed a minimum of 10 times a day, leading to significant reader dissatisfaction.
  2. Limited Server Access: The previous vendor restricted admin access, impeding transparency and control for Nammur Express.
  3. Absence of Responsive Design: The outdated website lacked responsiveness, hindering user experience and accessibility.

ForthFocus revitalized Nammur Express with comprehensive solutions:

  1. Website Redevelopment: A complete overhaul using WordPress and Elementor, introducing a modern, user-friendly interface and 100% responsiveness.
  2. Server Migration: Transition to AWS EC2 + CLOUDFLARE to eliminate website crashes and ensure uninterrupted reader access.
  3. Staff Training: Equipping the team with essential website management skills, fostering confidence and transparency within the organization.


  • Elimination of Website Crashes: Stable performance even under high visitor traffic.
  • Efficient Server Management: Seamless collaboration between ForthFocus and Nammur Express.
  • Streamlined News Posting: Previously, each copy had to be mailed, burdening a single person with the task. Now, district representatives can submit news directly, ensuring a streamlined content submission process.
  • ClientNammur Express
  • CategoryWebsite Development
  • Website